
St. Jerome: Commentary on Ecclesiastes is unavailable, but you can change that!

This first English translation of St. Jerome’s Commentary on Ecclesiastes includes a discussion by the translators that elucidates the difficulties of Jerome’s text, but also presents an original view of Jerome’s hermeneutical approach to the theological issues raised by this challenging book of the Bible.

succeeded in convincing others. We do not, in general, learn the arts without a teacher; it is this art alone that is so unvalued and easy as to need no instructor.* 3:8 A time to love and a time to hate. A time to love, after God, our children, wife, and family; and a time to hate them, at our martyrdom, when we are stubborn for our confession of Christ, though assailed by an opposing loyalty.* Or else: There was a time to love the law and its commandments—circumcision, sacrifices, the Sabbath,
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